Veterans Dignity Project is just that. A Project. The end goal is to improve the lives of Veterans.. Our mission statement is the same as the Veterans Administration.
The VA system has been flooded with Veterans seeking services. America has been at War for over 20yrs. Through Veterans Dignity Project, it is my hope to help improve Veterans lives..
Veterans Dignity Project.. (VDP) is forming as a Non-Profit 501-c3 Veterans service organization. (the first step).
There are two distinct programs that I have visioned.. "Come See".. and "Go Tell".
VDP will secure and develop a 40 acre, rural property in the area south of Smoky Mountain National Park. I have chosen this area for many reasons. Natural beauty, proximity to outdoor activities, including The Appalachian Trail, white water rafting, horse back riding and the National Park. I have also chosen this area because of the million plus people who visit annually as "motor tourist". "Tail of The Dragon", Cherohala Skyway, Fontana Lake Loop and many other roads that have become destinations. Motorcycles and clubs, car clubs such as the Corvette club and many others choose this area for "Motor tourism".
VDP will be open to the public for use as a resort and base camp for individuals and clubs spending time in the area. Given the opportunity, people will support VDP through their patronage and charitable giving. Hikers and bikers, car clubs and families on vacation will all be welcome. Public awareness of the struggles Veterans encounter is part of the solution.
Named "Landing Zone Transition", we are planning a "Primitive working farm" resort. Several family size cabins and multiple 4 person cabins will be dispersed though-out the property. Short term housing for 30 people is the goal. A lodge type structure for operations and guest check in will be the central feature. A community pavilion equipped with food preparation area and comfy chairs. Group meetings and meals will be held next to a fireplace to rival any Bass Pro shop.. Also in the pavilion area will be a "Modern, Upscale" bath house and restrooms.
A circa 1900 Belt driven sawmill and woodworking shop will be in business on site, Producing top quality tables and chairs for sale as a fundraising effort. Everybody likes a working museum..

Providing work opportunities for Veterans who might be in need, our goal is not mass production but rather, producing the best quality out of simpleness..

I choose tables and chairs because of the symbolic .. They bring people together..
We will be scheduling groups of Veterans and active duty to join us for week long therapeutic retreats. Visiting Therapists and Veteran mentors will be available for one on one discussions.
Serving Our Veterans and active duty by helping them find the answers they seek.. Some might need connections with others services. that's what We will do.. Some might need help with dealing with the VA. That's what We will do. Some might have physical or mental issues that need to be addressed. That's what We will do. Around a quarter of a million people transition from active duty to civilian life every year. That transition effects every member of that family. From a wife needing a new doctor to a child moving from a military base school into public education. That transition can be made easier through some friendly and caring advice. That's what We will do.
Horses, cows, chickens and rabbits. Puppies, cats and goats. A community garden and maybe even a "swimmin hole".. All these things have a therapeutic value. For the active duty soldier who is waiting in a hospital Battalion for a long scheduled surgery to the homeless Vet who needs a safe place and some work to get back on their feet. That's what We will do.
Go Tell... The second part of our strategy is public outreach. Advertising and educating the general public. Reaching out to those who might need help..
"Veterans Dignity Project Hospitality lounge. Public welcome.."
Each year, 10s of millions of people attend organized motorcycle rallies. The 75th annual Sturgis Rally drew over a million people for its 10 day event..Rolling Thunder in Washington DC draws over a million people during the Memorial day weekend every year. VDP plans to put together a mobile Hospitality lounge to travel the Country educating the public about Veterans issues and what we have to offer to improve the lives of Veterans.

An Oasis in the middle of everything.. Come in and have a seat in a well built, comfortable chair. Enjoy a cool refreshment and some conditioned air. Look over the memorabilia and make contact with others. Televisions showing informative videos about VDP and information pertaining to Veterans. A place to Honor our Veterans and educate the general public on Veterans issues.. Custom items for sale such as tables and chairs, paintings and other fine art work.. Fundraising at its finest.. Who knows, we might even have 5 motorcycles on display Honoring the 5 branches of Service.
In july, 2013 I was a "Battle Buddy" for 12 wounded soldiers from Ft. Campbell, Ky. Hosted by my friends at Veterans Support Fund.. a non-profit organization.. I can tell you from experience, Lives were changed for the better, including mine. It is my intention to continue this great work.
I know my "WHY". To help others is right..
I know my "WHAT".. And now, You do as well..
I hope that you will stand with me and help make a difference in the lives of those who have given to US.
Don Wood.